
150 station installation at Borealis, Sweden.

In cooperation with IPT. Germany, the worlds leading supplier of pipe testing equipment. BTE have recently supplied 150 pressure stations in the new pipe testing facility at Borealis Stenungsund in Sweden. Along with the Professional line testing stations we have also supplied Wall thickness gauges, Temperature monitoring systems and IPT. Data logging. Borealis is a leading supplier of Innovative solutions in the areas of polyolefins and we at BTE are proud to continue our long standing cooperation with their European innovation centres. The 1720 ProfessionalLine model is the most innovative development in state-of-the-art internal pressure creep testers. Its compact design, flexibility and precision remain unparalleled.


120 station installation at Borealis, Finland.

After supplying 150 pipe testing stations to Borealis Stenungsund in Sweden, it is a compliment to BTE and IPT. To have been the preffered supplier for the new pipe testing laboratory in Porvoo, Finland. Along the proffesional line pipe tester with 120 stations BTE also supplied Notch milling machines, thickness gauges, test baths, temperature monitoring systems and IPT. Data logging. This is another testament to our long standing cooperation with Borealis which spans many years.


GM Plast chooses BTE and IPT.

GM Plast in Hedensted in Denmark have recently expanded their pipe testing laboratory to include the IPT. Compact line Airless pipe testing system and temperature monitoring. The 1785 CompactLine Basic model provides first-time users and customers with small test volumes with a simple and compact option for carrying out reliable tests.

The integrated high-pressure pump, stainless steel pressure accumulator and a pressure control module that allows up to five tests to be carried out at the simultaneously are the standard features of the unit. Another advantage is that it has a pleasingly low energy consumption.


Pipe testing lab expansion at DTI.

After our recent successful installation of 25 Hydrostatic pressure stations at the Danish Technological Institute in Denmark, we have now expanded their pipe testing laboratory to include a Hydrostatic pulsator.

Standards and regulations worldwide require procedures involving dynamic internal pressure loads when testing pipes and pipe components. The IPT pulsator provides you with all the technological options to enable you to carry out sinusoidal and line-type pressure tests.


Thermo Fisher choose BTE and Tinius Olsen.

BTE have recently supplied a Tinius Olsen MP1200 Melt Flow iNDEX to Thermo Fisher in Denmark. The MP1200 is a superior, advanced, melt indexing system that is available in either manual or motorized configurations.


BTE together with Hegewald & Peschke Gmbh have supplied and installed a retrofitted universal testing machine.

BTE together with Hegewald & Peschke Gmbh have supplied and installed a retrofitted universal testing machine, Shimadzu AGE 250 including tooling and component testing software Labmaster, toUpcast Oy in Finland.

Upcast Oy is the leading supplier of upward continuous casting technology for non-ferrous applicaions.


BTE has recently supplied the latest Tinius Olsen Melt Flow Index device to Aage Vestergaard Larsen in Mariager.

BTE has recently supplied the latest Tinius Olsen Melt Flow Index MP1200 including motorized weight loading device to Aage Vestergaard Larsen in Mariager.

The MP1200 compliments their polymer testing laboratory which also includes the Tinius Olsen 25kn Universal tensile and compression machine.

Aage Vestergaard Larsen A/S is Scandinavia´s largest plastic recycling company, and one of the most knowledgeable firms in the field.


BTE has recently installed the latest Tinius Olsen Melt Flow Index MP1200 to LEGO in Billund.

BTE has recently installed the latest Tinius Olsen Melt Flow Index MP1200 to LEGO in Billund bringing the total number of units currently used in Billund to three.

The MP1200 compliments their polymer testing laboratory and research center which also includes the Tinius Olsen 25kn Universal tensile and compression machine.


BTE has recently replaced VTT Technical Research Center with the new state of the art 1720 professional line model.

BTE has recently replaced VTT Technical Research Center of Finlands 20 year old Blue Line pressure testing equipment from IPT. with the new state of the art 1720 professional line model also from IPT.

Karl Holmström from VTT. said that in 20 years the old equipment has worked well everyday.

This was the major reason to re invest in reliable equipment one can depend on from IPT.


BTE have completed the installation of IPT´s new state of the art 1720 professional line Hydrostatic pressure test equipment t DTI. in Aarhus,Denmark.

BTE have completed the installation of IPT´s new state of the art 1720 professional line Hydrostatic pressure test equipment at the Danish technological institute pipe center in Aarhus, Denmark.

Along with the 25 stations for pressure testing of pipe, IPT have also supplied the datalogging software to monitor.

temperature and temperature cycling.


BTE Installs 3 stand alone mini tensile machines at ABENA production facility in Aabenraa.

BTE Installs 3 stand alone mini tensile machines at ABENA production facility in Aabenraa.

BTE together with Hegewald & Peschke GmbH have supplied a stand alone universal testing machine of the type inspekt mini 3 kN to the health care product manufacturer ABENA in Aabenraa.

In order to be able to test the tear resistance of diapers accordingly, extensive accessories were provided, including wedge grips, as well as several jaws and a protractor. This is needed to perform the tensile tests at the correct angle and to be repeatable every time in a production environment, with multiple users. ABENA is a Danish family business founded in 1953. It mainly produces and sells health care products.


BTE installs MP1200 Melt Flow Index at GM Plast.

BTE installs MP1200 Melt Flow Index at GM Plast

BTE has recently installed the latest Tinius Olsen Melt Flow Index MP1200,at GM Plast in Hedensted.

The MP1200 compliments their pipe testing laboratory which also includes the Tinius Olsen 25kn Universal tensile and compression machine. GM Plast delivers a wide range of products such as cable pipe, FTTH pipe & optical fiber pipe, mainly for the telecommunication- and electricity sectors as well as drainage, sewer and water pipe.


BTE helps expand the plastics laboratory at Aage Vestergaard Larsen.

BTE has recently installed the latest Tinius Olsen Melt Flow Index MP1200, including the fully motorized weight loading system at Aage Vestergaard Larsen in Mariager.

The MP1200 compliments their plastics testing laboratory which also includes the Tinius Olsen 10kn Universal tensile and compression machine. Aage Vestergaard Larsen A/S is Scandinavia’s largest plastic recycling company, specializing in regeneration, grinding, milling and compounding of plastic for both the common types of thermoplastic, PP, PE, PS and ABS, as well as the more technical types of plastic such as: PA, POM, PET, PBT.


Two furniture test stands delivered to the Tecnical Research Institute of Sweden.

BTE and Hegewald & Peschke Mess- und Prüftechnik GmbH have installed a double test bench for side-to-side and armrest tests as well as a double-flexure test bench for seat-backrest and side-to-side or armrest testing to RICE Technical Research Institute of Sweden.

While seat bench-backrest and armrest testing as a dual-flex change-over tester is primarily cost-effective and cost-effective for the customer and both tests can operate independently, such as stand-alone test stands, the double test bench has been designed for armrest or side-to-side testing. that also sofas and other upholstered furniture can be tested. For this purpose, the center column was shortened and the width increased, so that the two outer cylinders can be used for the armrests. In addition, here too two conventional chairs can be tested simultaneously and independently of each other.

The change between armrest testing and side-to-side testing is extremely simple: the thrust pieces are replaced with the tried-and-tested terminal connection, the cylinders are adjusted to the required position and limited in their mobility or completely locked and the appropriate test templates are set - afterwards the test can start.

The test bench for the seat backrest test allows testing according to BIFMA X5.1 and the usual German standards - in particular according to EN 1335. Furthermore, it can be tested to BS 5459.


Exova Metech A/S expands calibration laboratory by calibration machine INSPEKT 600KN.

Exova Metech A/S expands calibration laboratory by calibration machine INSPEKT 600KN

BTE expands the High Force part of its business to include the Exova Metech group. Exova Metech offers their customers worldwide calibration and measuring technology services. Depending on customer requirements the well-equipped calibration laboratories of the enterprise group carry out calibrations according to ISO / IEC 17025 or corresponding to customised quality specifications.

In order to satisfy the growing inquiry for calibration services, the lab of the Exova Metech A/S with headquarter in Lem, Denmark, was expanded by a calibration machine Inspekt 600kN. The machine is equipped with 3 reference load cells for different load areas (600kN, 100kN, 20kN). This ensures the achievement of the necessary accuracy in any case. A separate control and measuring circuit guarantees high precision, measuring accuracy and traceability.

The calibration machine is based on the construction of the universal testing machine series Inspekt. For the application of these universal testing machines as calibration machines the Hegewald & Peschke MPT GmbH has developed and delivered together with BTE the "calibration module" in its in-house material testing software LabMaster. The functional extent can be used for the inspection of the load measuring equipment of the machine used with LabMaster as well as for the examination of external load measuring instruments.

In the present case the machine is used as a calibration machine and the internal load cell is only used for the regulation of the machine. The real reference is, in any case, an external load cell with accompanying measuring amplifier.

The measuring amplifier is also integrated into LabMaster, so that the calibration module allows a holistic test procedure as well as the representation and logging of all measuring parameters.


BTE installs a high force universal testing machine at the Esbjerg site of Nordisk Svejse Kontrol.

In the course of expanding its high force universal tensile machine business, BTE have recently installed a universal testing machine 600 kN for tensile, compression and bending tests at the new location of NSK in Esbjerg, Denmark.

The universal testing machine will be used to evaluate quality testing of metallic materials and components processed through welding.

Nordisk Svejse Kontrol (NSK) is currently one of the leading Danish suppliers for non-destructive and destructive testing or examination and welding technology.


BTE installs a new Airless Professional Line Hydrostatic pressure testing system at LK PEX in Ulricehamn, Sweden.

BTE installs a new Airless ProfessionalLine Hydrostatic pressure testing system at LK PEX in Ulricehamn, Sweden. LK Pex operates high-technology manufacturing of PE-Xa pipes using manufacturing technology developed by the company itself. The flexible PE-Xa pipes are mainly sold to the Heating, Ventilation and Sanitation-industry in Europe, the USA and Middle East.

“Ensuring the quality and performance of our pipes is a key concern for LK Pex and pressure testing is one of the most important, as well as time-consuming, factors. Increased reliability and efficiency of the pressure testing is a thus a priority for us. We trust in the system from IPT to assist us in this work”. – Åsa Linder, Development & Product Manager, LK Pex”


BTE installs temperature cycling unit at Uponor in Virsbo, Sweden.

BTE has recently installed a temperature cycling unit at Uponor in Virsbo, Sweden. The temperature cycling test for pipe systems places the test systems under extremely tough conditions and requires quality, high performance components in order to ensure long-lasting reliability. IPT benefits from decades of experience in this particular field and has consistently further developed this technology to produce a complete series of products capable of meeting the most varied of requirements. Systems designed for different capacities are available depending on the number, diameter and physical parameters of the pipe systems to be tested.

In order to also satisfy future test requirements, IPT has invested in further development of the technology for temperature cycling testing. With significantly increased flow rates, the new generation of test systems can now also be used to subject large pipes and fittings to temperature cycling tests, in line with the applicable standards.The proven IPT technology for temperature cycling tests is available for pipes with an outside diameter of up to 160 mm.

The new IPT models, 1769 and 1770, comply with a wide range of standards. The required cooling can be carried out using cooling units or the customer's in-house cooling system.

Tester supply unit model 1769 (with pressure tank):
This tester is suitable for high test temperatures up to 114 °C (in line with BS 7291) and is fitted with pressure tanks. A compressor unit supplying compressed air is required for operation. The testers are subject to regulations regarding pressure vessels. The maximum test pressure is 16 bar and the maximum total cross-section for the samples is 8000 mm².

Tester supply unit model 1770 (without pressure tank):
This tester is suitable for test temperatures up to 95 °C and is fitted with unpressurised tanks. The testers are not subject to regulations regarding pressure vessels. The max. test pressure is 16 bar and the maximum total cross-section (depending on the flow rate inside the samples) is 8000 mm².